Yesterday I decided to spend a bit of cash! Daring I know! Well, as you probably know my circumstances are changing and I am having to be, and am actually enjoying being, careful with my cash. However, I have sold a few items of clothing and had let that build up a bit. I will try to remember to photograph what I purchased but needless to say the Grazia 25% discount in Whistles was put to good use. I also found what I hope to be the perfect jean in H&M but as I'm sure every girl will agree, there seem to be no such thing? I have in mind the perfect 'slim cut boyfriend mid wash slightly distressed works with ballet pumps, flip flops and heels doesn't go baggy but can wear with twins' pair but NEVER seem to find them! Time will tell but I am denim sceptical as always.
Anyways, here was my outfit of the day and not a stripe to be seen (that was yesterday, and probably tomorrow...) I wore my lovely preloved Topshop leather jacket, a beige Banana Republic jumper, a £2 Primark vest, I honestly cannot recommend their cotton tshirts and vest enough, they wash and wash and are great for the ridiculously cheap price, I Hobbs NW3 dark denim jeans, the oldest Tesco ballet pumps, a leopard print scarf my lovely friend Anna bought me and a bag from Next. I felt really comfy in this and I would say it is an outfit that pretty much sums up my style, minus the stripes and maybe some mucky twin hand prints?
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