Sunday, 29 April 2012

Change of plans...

We are having a pretty relaxing weekend compared to what we thought we may be doing. Last time we saw our consultant for the twinnies she 'pencilled' us in to have them tomorrow! Eeek, it was not confirmed but we thought it was looking that way. So we went back on Friday to find out for sure and they are both growing nicely (typical, now you grow grow grow babies!!) and so she is leaving them in! We have been booked in for 17th May so unless they decide differently we have a bit longer to wait...:-( 

Just for fun she decided to give me two massive injections in my leg and bum. Lucky me and it meant yet another trip to the hospital yesterday...even more money on crazy priced car parking, £3 for 48 minutes!

Anyway, now we know there is no rush to get sorted for tomorrow I am not doing anything until I go to my parents for a birthday tea as it is my birthday tomorrow. In preparation, this is happening in the kitchen...

Yep, he is making me a birthday cake! Lemon apparently, we shall see later how it goes. I'm sure it will be lovely and is very nice of him.

I did manage to fit a quick trip in to my vintage shop yesterday too and they had a half price sale on! Amazing! Unfortunately I seem to have been there a bit too often recently and they didn't really have anything I wanted which was a shame. However, they were having a sale to make room for lots of lovely new stock they have to put out this week so I can see another visit in a couple of days...yay!

I did pick up a couple of lovelies, a necklace and something I have been after for AGES...a globe!! I was sooooo excited to see one and it was a bargain price of £5 so half price at £2.50...sooo happy! And despite hubs saying he hates them and does not want one even he agreed it was pretty cool.

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