Sunday, 14 April 2013

Aaah lovely rest days

At last, my rest days are here, well actually two of them have already gone. Good job I have since instead of four now hey! I found work much easier than the first few days which was nice and I am slowly starting to feel that I belong back there again. I did feel like I didn't get to see the twins for pretty much four whole days but I guess we will all get into the routine and I will hopefully feel less tired between shifts as I get more used to it.

It is very nice not to have my uniform on for a few days, I am finding it uncomfy as I am not used to wearing it. Yesterday I literally threw my jeans on and went to collect my lovely twins so no photos I'm afraid. Today Jonny's family have been over and I wore my H&M jeans which I really love and have been wearing all the time, a white Primark vest and a grey and white striped Boden t-shirt. I also wore a chunky green necklace which I have had for years and cannot for the life of me think where I got it from!

Last week when we went into town I saw a lovely dress in Whistles and when Jonny said I could try it on I was in those changing rooms as quick as a flash! Unfortunately, the one they had was too big and they didn't have any more. Luckily I managed to fine one on asos and it arrived Friday. It is not normally a shape that I would think of and would never have picked it out from a picture. It is called 'Cocoon' and that describes the shape, it is not at all fitted but some how hangs really nicely. What do you think?

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