Saturday, 21 September 2013

A time for yellow

It seemed like the temperature had dropped somewhat today which pleased me as I have been wanting to wear my new yellow jumper from Uniqlo. I got this a few weeks ago on a trip to London and was really pleased to find it. I had seen a more expensive version in topshop but I am always reluctant to buy from there. I find that they are overprice and poor quality. In fact, I very rarely venture through the doors, a 32 year old mum with a double buggy is not exactly their demographic! Needless to say I was happy with this for just under £20! 

I briefly mentioned my London shopping trip a couple of posts ago so I will elaborate! Recently I have been selling a load of clothes I no longer wear/like/fit on some Facebook selling pages and good old eBay! I had made quite a good stash of cash and so saved it to look in some shops we don't have here. I found today's jumper in Uniqlo and a tonne of stuff in Banana Republic! I really should take some photos but my goodies included a much needed navy cardigan, a thick cotton red and black striped skirt and black tshirt to go with and a neutral coloured jumper. I could have bought so much in there! It felt like it was exactly my style and with 20% off you can't go wrong! 

I am wearing my khaki Boden trousers and a white Gap tshirt. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Lazy day

Today I was feeling so tired the twins and I had a lazy day inside playing. I decided it was about time I tried on a top I had delivered a couple of days ago from boden. A few weeks ago I ordered this collared Breton and have been awaiting its arrival. I have to say I am quite disappointed with it? I think it is too short. What are your thoughts? Also, the fabric is a little bit strange, sort of a thick cotton which I am not convinced about. 

I am also wearing my boden skinnies. The photos are really bad as well. The twins room has been finished today so hoping to be more organised again soon!

Monday, 16 September 2013

Spots and errrr cots...

We are totally upside down the the Harris household this morning! The lucky twins are having their bedroom decorated so their cots and half their stuff is in our room (and blocking my wardrobe...wonder if I won't be able to work later if cant reach uniform...?!) and we are on the sofa bed which is now blocking the living room as I can't work out how to put it back! 

We escaped this morning to meet our friends at the soft play place, we only went on Friday but anything that tires these pair out gets my vote! I put on what I could reach which was these fab skinny combats from boden. I love them soooo much already! I had a very similar pair that are now too big and was so pleased to find these practically identical ones. I can feel them being a firm favourite. I wore a striped cardi from Primark and a vest and my spotty converse. You can see some of the chaos from the photos! 

Yesterday I wore my scruffs all day as we were stripping the wallpaper all day in preparation for today but Saturday saw me wearing my lovely turquoise boden jeans until Matilda threw a blackberry on me! Lucky for her it came out in the wash! I wore a jumper from the boden teenage range, I really recommend this, it has some cute pieces and is cheaper than their main line! My tshirt is Gap from when they had 30% off and I stocked up on a few goodies but that's for another day! 

Friday, 13 September 2013

Where has the time gone!?

Well blog lovers I have realised, with a little reminder, that is has been far too long since I updated my blog! The reason being that our computer has broken and we have not been able to get it fixed this time. I can, in theory, do the blog on my phone but it is much more fiddley and the photos cannot be edited. That said I do love my blog and a change in season and a wardrobe bursting with new clothes (no one tell the hubby!) I think it's about time to get back to it! What do you all think?

I am not sure where we even where last time I posted? Shall we get up to speed? Well, the biggest change is we are now reasonably settled in our lovely new home. We have been here a couple of months already and it instantly felt like home. They twins clearly love it have have been walking since pretty much the day we moved here. 

Speaking of the lovely twins, they are now 16 months and have begun to become little people, not babies and they are a lot of fun. And a lot of work! I am back at work have we have settled into a routine there as well. I would say life is going pretty great.

I don't have any photos to post today, bit of a spur of the moment update but I'll try and get back into the swing of it and post some tomorrow! Xxx